Today we Get Comfortable with Mexican Tarragon. This lovely little plant was purchased at Home Depot a month or so ago. That day I had planned to go out and relocate more plants from a development site to my yard. Other things happened and I wasn’t able to go. I found myself at Home Depot picking up things for home repair and decided to stop in the Garden Center.
Bad idea, I came home with Mexican Tarragon and a bunch more. Given what the tag said it needed I found a location in the Bee Garden and planted him. He has done awesome here and I love the little yellow flowers. I haven’t started working with him yet, I might wait until next year but we will see.
“Get Comfortable” is an in-depth look at the plant and each part that makes up the plant while noting all the features one sees. We visit the same plants from the “A Moment” series, this time doing about ten to fifteen minute, visual plant sit meditations with the plant. Currently, the videos are recorded one month in advance and released every Wednesday. Click here to view the rest of the series.
This series' inspiration was the guided meditation from The Holistic Herbalism Podcast.