Two years ago, after seeing how awesome the neighbor’s azaleas are, I decided I wanted an azalea in the front bed and that it should grow well there. The first year it grew well but looked like it might not be getting enough sun. Life happened and she never got moved. The next year she grew nicer but didn’t flower and again I worried that she wasn’t getting enough sun. Then this year, she bloomed beautifully, sadly I didn’t get this recording done then.
“Get Comfortable” is an in-depth look at the plant and each part that makes up the plant while taking note of all the features ones sees. We visit the same plants from the “A Moment” series. This time doing about ten to fifteen-minute visual plant sit meditations with the plant. Currently, the videos are recorded one month in advance and released every Wednesday. Click here to view the rest of the series.
This series' inspiration was the guided meditation from The Holistic Herbalism Podcast.